GAMM Activity Group Computational Biomechanics

Information on the GAMM Activity Group on Biomechanics.

GAMM Activity Group Computational Biomechanics

What exactly is Biomechanics?

Biomechanics is a ever expanding Field of Research that examines the locomotor apparatus as well as continuum mechanics and the numerical aspect of biological soft and hard tissues. In a way, every biological tissue can be seen as a porous material that is intertwined with its interstitial fluid. Furthermore, we are investigating interactions with electrochemical processes as well as studies in regards to growth and longevity.

Our Mission

This activity group is interested in cultivating interest in biomechanical enquiry and being at the forefront of international science of the matter. We are encouraging collaboration between the fields of engineers and mathematicians together with biologists and medical professionals.


30.05. - 02.06.2023: Contributed Sessions / DFG-SPP 2311 at GAMM Conference in Desden
17.03.2023: Kick-off meeting for CRC 1540 Exploring Brain Mechanics in Erlangen
13. - 14.02.2023:  GAMM-Fachausschuss Workshop „Computational Biomechanics“ in Saarbrücken
April and November 2022: QuaLiPerF (FOR 5151) project meetings in Stuttgart and Jena
01. - 05.08.2022: WCCM-APCOM 2022 in Yokohama, Japan - mini symposium 0422 “Computational Continuum Biomechanics”
05. - 09.06.2022: ECCOMAS Congress 2022 in Oslo, Norway - mini symposium MS37 “Continuum Biomechanics of Active Systems"
23. - 24.05.2022: Kick-off meeting for SPP 2311 "Robuste Kopplung kontinuumsbiomechanischer In-silico-Modelle für aktive biologische Systeme als Vorstufe klinischer Applikationen - Co-Design von Modellierung, Numerik und Nutzbarkeit"
14.03.-15.03.2022 GAMM-Fachausschuss Computational Biomechanics in Stuttgart

02. - 03.11.2021: Kick-off meeting for FOR 5151 "QuaLiPerF"

11. - 15.01.2021: Mini symposium “COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF ACTIVE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS” at WCCM 2020 in Paris
21. - 22.09.2020: GAMM-Fachausschuss Computational Biomechanics in Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein
05.- 06.11.2019: GAMM-Fachausschuss Computational Biomechanics in Stuttgart




Deputy Chairman:



Third-Party Funded Projects

  • „Computational Life Sciences – KI-Methoden für die Systemmedizin“
    Within: BMBF project ATLAS (Al and Simulation for Tumor Liver Assessment)

  • "qMOTION" (Simulation-enhanced Highdensity Magneto-myographic Quantum Sensor Systems for Decoding Neuromuscular Control During)
    ERC Advanced Grant by European Research Council awarded to Oliver Röhrle

  • QuaLiPerF (Quantifying Liver Perfusion-Function Relationship in Complex Resection – A Systems Medicine Approach) 
    Within: DFG-FOR 5151

  • Robuste Kopplung kontinuumsbiomechanischer ln-silico-Modelle für aktive biologische Systeme als Vorstufe klinischer Applikationen - Co-Design von Modellierung, Numerik und Nutzbarkeit
    Within: DFG-SPP 2311

  • P7 - Modeling of function-perfusion-deformation interaction on liver lobulus and cellular scale based on a bi-scale continuum FEM model
    Within: DFG Research Unit FOR 5151 - Quantifying Liver Perfusion-Function Relationship in Complex Resection – A Systems Medicine Approach (QuaLiPerF), Grant number: 436883643, PI: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Ricken, Stuttgart

  • SIMulation supported LIVer Assessment for donor organs (SimLivA) - Continuum-biomechanical modeling for staging of ischemia reperfusion injury during liver transplantation
    Within: DFG SPP2311 - Robuste Kopplung kontinuumsbiomechanischer in silico Modelle für aktive biologische Systeme als Vorstufe klinischer Applikationen -- Co-Design von Modellierung, Numerik und Nutzbarkeit, Grant number: 465194077, PI: Tim Ricken, Stuttgart; Uta Dahmen, Jena; Hans-Michael Tautenhahn, Jena; Co-PI: Matthias König, Berlin

GAMM newsletters and annual reports

This image shows Tim Ricken

Tim Ricken

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of Department

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