This image shows Maximilian Brodbeck

Maximilian Brodbeck


Research Assistant
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering


+49 711 685 69534
+49 711 685 63706

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 00.050

Office Hours

After arrangement.


Finite element method, robust discretizations

  1. 2024

    1. Brodbeck, M., Egli, F. S., Suditsch, M., Seyedpour, S. M., & Ricken, T. (2024). On the influence of non-linearity within two-phase poro-elasticity: Numerical examples and counterexamples. Examples and Counterexamples, 6.
    2. Brodbeck, M., Bertrand, F., & Ricken, T. (2024). Adaptive finite element methods based on flux and stress equilibration using FEniCSx.
    3. Brodbeck, M., Suditsch, M., Seyedpour, S. M., & Ricken, T. (2024). Phase transition in porous materials: effects of material parameters and deformation regime on mass conservativity. Computational Mechanics.
  2. 2023

    1. Bertrand, F., & Brodbeck, M. (2023). Adaptive strategies based on equilibration for the Biot equations. PAMM, 23(1), Article 1.
    2. Arasteh-Khoshbin, O., Seyedpour, S. M., Brodbeck, M., Lambers, L., & Ricken, T. (2023). On effects of freezing and thawing cycles of concrete containing nano-SiO2 : experimental study of material properties and crack simulation. Scientific Reports, 13, 22278.
  3. 2022

    1. Bertrand, F., & Brodbeck, M. (2022). Robust discretizations for poroelastic problems: engineering and mathematical points of views in a presenation in pairs. The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.
    2. Bertrand, F., Brodbeck, M., & Ricken, T. (2022). On robust discretization methods for poroelastic problems: Numerical examples and counter-examples. Examples and Counterexamples, 2, 100087.

Structural Analysis (SS21, SS23)

Applied Mechanics I (WS21/22)

Applied Mechanics II (SS22)

Introduction to the Finite Element Method (WS22/23, WS23/24, WS24/25)


Nonlinear Finite Elements (WS22/23, WS23/24, WS24/25)


Simulation of Coupled Problems with the Finite Element Method (SS23, SS24)

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