This image shows Berta Pi Savall

Berta Pi Savall


Research Assistant, Diversity Officer of Faculty 6
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering


+49 711 685 67097
+49 711 685 63706

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 00.050

Office Hours

After arrangement.


  1. 2024

    1. Pi Savall, B., Seyedpour, S. M., & Ricken, T. (2024). Experimental Analysis of Strain and Thermal Behaviour on 3D Printed Flexible Auxetic Structures. In H. Altenbach, L. Hitzler, M. Johlitz, M. Merkel, & A. Öchsner (Eds.), Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 2 (pp. 85--102). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  2. 2021

    1. Pi Savall, B., Mielke, A., & Ricken, T. (2021). Data-Driven Stress Prediction for Thermoplastic Materials. PAMM, 21(1), Article 1.

Applied Mechanics I (WS20/21)

Applied Mechanics II (SS21, SS23, SS24)

Exercise to Applied Mechanics II (SS24)

Seminar Exercise to Applied Mechanics II (SS24)

Applied Mechanics III (WS21/22, WS22/23, WS24/25)

Nonlinear Finite Elements (WS21/22), (WS23/24, WS24/25)

Simulation von Mehrphasen- und Mehrskalen-Materialien mit Homogenisierungsansätzen (WS22/23)

Seminar for Applied Finite Elements (SS23)

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